How to use Fathom Analytics with Astro

December 29, 2022


I’ve been using Fathom Analytics for years and I absolutely love it. If you want to sign up, I have a referral link that will give you $10 off!

In your Astro site you’ll usually have a Layout component, or some component that includes all the <head> tags so that they can be reused across all your pages.

In that component, inside the <head> tag, paste the Fathom tracking script.

You can find the Fathom tracking script through: Fathom dashboard > Settings (top right) > click on site > Script settings > Embed code.

It’ll look something like this:


Paste that script into the <head> tag in the layout (or multiple layouts) for your Astro site.

Now, every page that uses that layout component will have Fathom tracking analytics for you!